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Louie Pacheco Saenz

Mr. CSW Leather 2010/2011

American Leatherman 2010

President, Los Angeles Band of Brothers 2010-11


Louie was elected to the LABB Board as the club’s first President on July 14, 2010, and was reelected on July 13, 2011 to serve a second term as President.

Louie was born in Granada, Nicaragua in October 1971, where he lived with his parents and sisters. He was raised Catholic and when to Catholic School, where he was an altar boy.

"I lived a very privilege life and lived to be part of the Sandinistas/Contras War...until we had to leave Nicaragua to come to The US due to Communism in Nicaragua."

At 15 he and his mother moved to Texas where they lived for a year before his father and two sisters joined them, at which point they moved to Los Angeles where he has lived to this day.

"We gained Political Asylum and became American Citizens just last year after some inner struggles within myself as to why, after so many years of having been 'qualified' to became a citizen I finally decided to do it." As of June 2009, Louie became officially became an American Citizen.

"At a very young age I knew I was different on many levels. The most and strongest was that I knew I liked boys and had very interesting and strange way of thinking about my fantasies."

Louie went to school for Fashion Design and was very involved in the fashion scene here in Los Angeles back in the 90's. During this time, he met his first partner with whom he was together for almost six-and-half years.

"This caused a lot of problems with my father and at 23, after moving on from my relationship, I decided to move to San Francisco where I resided for 10 years and was able to truly blossom as a gay/leather man. During all those years in San Francisco, my life changed drastically. My relationship with my family got stronger."

Louie was elected to serve as the first official President of the Los Angeles Band of Brothers in July of 2010, and was elected by unanimous vote to serve on the Board of Christopher Street West in September of 2010. Shortly after being named President of LABB, Louie was named American Leatherman 2010. His return to Los Angeles has been an amazing homecoming for him, as one of the biggest things that has happened to him since he moved was being given the privilege of becoming Mr. Christopher Street West 2010.

"My involvement with my Leather Family/Community since that moment has truly changed my life today."

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